Six Sure Ways To Make Infinite Cash From Google

In this article, I am going to show you how to explore the popularity of google to make money in affiliate marketing.

#1 Find opportunities to advertise : the first step towards achieving financial freedom in google is through advertisement. If you can find a clever way of advertising for only 5 cents, where others are paying 50 cents or above, then you are on course. If you find a way to advertise for only 5 cents per visitor, and gets about 10 visitors [that is for the same price as someone who is paying 50 cents per visitor]. It will leave you a lot of room to make profit. This is because you are advertising at a cheap rate and having lots of visitors to your site.

#2 Find products and area to advertise : to make money from google, you have to find products and services, and area to advertise them. This must have a high profit per sale. This will make you to have more money per sale than your competitors. A few ways to do this is :

[a] find an area that has profit per customer and you are generally looking for products where you will get a commission of say $20 or more. an example of this can be in dating sites, webhosting etc.

[b] You find a chance where there is a chance of repeat commission. This is very necessary, as the more the customer comes back to buy products, the more you will make cash.

[c]Creation of website comprising different products or services. If the customers come to your website, they will have a choice of various products, and any one they buy, will be credited to you.

[d] Products that has a high conversion ratio; this simply means that you will pick products that people are very likely to buy.

#3 Advertise in non-competitive area : you should try as much as you can to place your advert in areas,where there is no stiff competition. If you do, there will be trouble, as dozens of people advertising the same product will choke you. The implication here is that the price of advertersing will go up.But you should go to those niches where the cost of advertising is cheap, as this is where you will make money.

#4 Getting high quality links from other sites: as an affiliate marketer, you have to have guality links from other sites. You do this by searching in google for links to companies of your competitors. What you do next is going to each of those sites, and asking for an exchange with your site. If they agree with you , then its ok. This means that you will get free visitors and make money from it too.

#5 Putting google ads on your site : when you put google ads on your site, you are bound to make lots of money. you sign up as a publisher, and if your site is approoved. Google will give you some codes which you will put on your java/ html webpage. The moment one clicks on those google ads , it will generate money to you .

#6 Find an avenue to make money: it is important that you need to find areas where you are going to make money . this measure is made possible through affiliate programs. You have to llok for programs that offers good commission to their affiliates. A program that offers you say $25-$30 as commission is good.

I am sure that the above measures if well implemented , will make you have money beyond your wildest dream.

chukwu mgbeoji is a specialist in affiliate programs. will u like to learn more about affiliate principles, visit his website


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