Affiliate Marketing: 7 steps to automated profits!

Would you like to use your time smarter and make morey money at the same time? This article describes in 7 easy steps how you can set up a total and hands free automated affiliate money machine that multiply your efforts and that works 24/7.
Do you remember when there was no remote controls, or

Well, many of those things really automate our lives now, in
fact many things in our lives are automated, we can say that in general we really like things to be automated because it makes our lives easier.

And the same applies to affiliate marketing, we would love it to be more automated, to make money the easy and smart

Well it is possible, but just like the many automated things we
have today took time in the beginning to create, the same thing applies to automate your profits.

It is going to take some time in the beginning to get started and set up everything you need, but once the system is in place, you can begin to reap the benefits of having your own automated money making machine.

There is some basic things you are going to need to set up your automated affiliate machine, but once you have learned how to do it, you can do it over and over again for repeated profits.

Let us find out how:

1)==> The first thing you need to do is to find a good affiliate
product that supplies the needs of a certain niche.

Use the following tool to find a profitable niche: (under keywords)

After you have found a nice niche, you can go and find an
appropriate affiliate program or product that supplies the need of that specific niche, (try google, search for: "affiliate

tip: Always take a look at the affiliate products sales copy and
ask your self, does it makes you want to buy?.....

You can also try to contact the owner and ask how much their
conversion is, this way you know how many visitors you need to send to that specific site to make a profit.

And one more thing, don´t settle for a commission of less then 50%.

2)==> Set up domain and hosting.

In this step you must go and find a good domain name and a place to host your site, you can find a good one at

The prices are not very expensive, and if you are just starting out, it is a good place to start with.

They are very reliable and have been around for several years now, you can pay via paypal or credit card.

3)==> A Reliable Autoresponder.

In the process of making your affiliate campaigns more automated you are going to definitely need an autoresponder.

It works the same way as an automated answering machine but instead it delivers prewritten messages (written by you) under several days, you can configure it to send out messages with
intervals of just a couple of days or more.

I do not recommend you to get a free autoresponder since in every message you send out to your costumers, there is and ad included.

Does not look very professional, right?...

The best thing to do is to get a "real" and reliable
autoresponder system. You can find several ones out there, just go to google and type "autoresponders".

I personally recommend: Emailaces, Getresponse or Aweber.

4)==> A Landing Page.

If you don´t know what a landing page is, it is simply a page with a short message that stimulates the person to subscribe to your list in change of a very compelling benefit, like for example a free report.

This is very important, because if you don´t do it these people may never come back and you will have lost that client forever...

So don´t take this step lightly, it will literally jump start your sales.

5)==> The Automated System...

Now the time to combine things has come:

Inside your autoresponder account you can generate a form that you can setup on your site, so when people land on you site they can subscribe to your list and then once they are on your list
you can follow up with several prewritten messages.

You can for example create a mini course delivered through several days or presell for a specific product and then in every message slip in your affiliate recommendation.

Another beautiful thing is that when they fill out the form you can redirect them to your affiliate product site and make a sale, this works very well.

6)==> How to set everything up?

Do you have dreamweaver or some kind of html editor?

If not you can use a free one, it is a very nice and handy little tool, it is called nvu, and you can find at

Take the form you generated inside your autoresponder account and paste into your site with your html editor.

7)==> Time to Promote.

One of the most important things of this whole system is that you must promote.

Yes! If you fail to promote or advertise your product the other steps won´t work...,

Some recommendations about where to start, I am putting them in the order I feel they will work best:

A) Google Adwords

Open an Google Adwords account and start advertising in 15 minutes, If you are unsure about how to use this resource, I recommend you checking out Brad Callen´s Free Google Adwords guidebook, it is a very good one, it´s free and you can find it
on Google.

B) Solo Ads.

Use Ezine Solo Ads to get your message out quick, make a search on google for "Solo ads", If you don´t have much money to start with go for the ezines that have few subscribers, like for example I have found offers to mail an ezine ad to 10000 people
for 25 bucks, but you can even find cheaper ads.

In most cases the other type of ezine ads does not perform as well as solo ads, so I would stick to solo ads.

C) Write Articles.

This is one of the best Free methods you can find to advertise you products!

I like it very much, I personally use it every time and always get results.

I recommend you make an article somehow useful that delivers good content that can help others, "How to" articles are always popular for example.

If you just feel you don´t like to write, hire one cheap at .

D) Link Exchange.

Many people exchange links to rank high in the search engines, and yes it does work, but also remember that it takes time to rank high.

I would consider that a secondary effect of linking, as I would focus on exchange links with other for the simple purpose of receiving traffic from your links on other sites.

Think about those steps and go to action!
Don´t lose more time, act now and automate your profits today, your bank account will appreciate it!

Robin Araoz makes it easy to make money with affiliate programs. Discover how you can become a super affiliate fast. To download your free report visit:

By Robin Araoz
Published: 7/14/2006


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