
Showing posts from 2009

3 Necessary Tools for the High Rolling Affiliate Marketer

What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this business. Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate marketer plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful Affiliate Marketing business. We have consulted some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business and below are the top three necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing business. Important Tool #1: Your Own Website The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business i...

How to Increase Your Site Traffic and Succeed With Your Affiliate Marketing Programs

As an affiliate, your main objective is to sell the products and services offered by your partner merchants. Unless you can do this, you can never hope to make a significant amount of money with affiliate marketing programs. So how do you boost sales? All things being equal, you will need to increase your site traffic before you can experience more sales. By the law of averages, the more people are aware of the products you are offering, the more products you will sell. Here are a few tips that can help you boost your site traffic: 1. Optimize for the search engines. The most successful sites on the internet are the most visible ones. Now there are various ways to achieve increased visibility on the internet, but the foremost method is that of search engine optimization. The details are too technical to discuss here, but the purpose of search engine optimization (SEO) is to help your site achieve higher rankings on the search engines. If you have used a search engine, you will notice t...

Earning Money With Affiliate Programs and Google Explained

by: Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson Starting a business has never been cheaper, quicker, or easier… you don’t even need your own product… …Because with the search engine Google and a commission for every sale of somebody else’s product you generate, you can get your first sale for under $30 in mere hours worth of work. Compare this to other businesses that take months of intense work to start-up and thousands of dollars in investment. Let me explain how it works: The search engine Google has millions of searches taking place at every moment. Each one is by a searcher looking for information or a solution to a problem that is troubling him or her. For example, thousands upon thousands of people search on Google each day for a way to train their dogs, typing in terms such as, “How to train dog” or “Dog training tips.” With Google Adwords advertising program, you can make your ad show-up when somebody types in these terms… and you don’t even need your own product. There are thousands o...

Ten Tips for Affiliate Marketers Using Google AdWords

by: Patrick Carlow One of the hottest ways to sell affiliate products is using Google AdWords. Follow these tips and strategies to maximize your earning potential. 1. Seek out affiliate products that generate fifteen dollars or more in commission. Anything in the twenty-dollar range works well. Paying for clicks can add up quickly and when you do make a sell, it should be profitable. 2. The vendor must present a high quality website with first-rate graphics. If the site appears to be unprofessional, any potential buyer will loose confidence and leave before the sell is made. 3. Make it a requirement that the vendor website only displays one product or service on the referral page. Nothing kills a sell faster than having to many sells messages. 4. The vendor needs to include outstanding sales copy. It's easy to realize the importance of this principle; words are what turn shoppers into buyers on the Internet. 5. When evaluating a potential affiliate program ask yourself if this prod...

Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites

by: Cory Threlfall Content as we know it is the Life-Blood or FUEL, if you will, of the Internet. That was and still is the Internets sole purpose, except only now it's commercialized, giving the online entrepreneur the world at their fingers tips. And the facts are that usually when people first come online it's not to go purchase something, it's to look for Information that will answer a question they might have about a particular product they're interested in and/or to a problem they are dealing with and are searching for a solution. Ask yourself this, "Why do I go online?" Does it resemble anything like what I just stated? Only you can answer that. These are simply the facts with out a doubt... Period! Now that you have an idea of WHY people come online, I'm now going to explain to you how you can... "Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites" Did you notice the last two words within the quotations...

Proceeds Mixed Through Affiliate Marketing and Google Adsense

by: Lionel Estridge Do you happen to be a webmaster that needs money for your website? Well if you are a web publisher you're going to need cash, affiliate marketing may work for you. With affiliate marketing, you may get a lot of cash driving into your bank. Furthermore if your website is rich in great contents, why not get into the Google Adsense program? Why Affiliate Marketing? Because affiliate marketing is most likely the best way to earn profits online. Even online retailers can gain from affiliate marketing programs, affiliate marketing actually works for merchants as well as it works for the affiliates. Simply said, is a liaison or agreement made between two websites, with one site being the merchant's website and the other being the affiliate's site. The affiliate agrees to let the merchant promote his products on the affiliate's site, and the merchant, agree to pay the affiliate in whatever scheme they have agreed into. This would normally mean easy profits...

Another Affiliate Scam? NO1 on Google in 48 hrs!

by: Bubbles Monte Another Affiliate Scam? Affiliate Project XYZ or whatever-6 Figure Income for working a few hours per day? Affiliates that are making $50,000.00 a month? Don't make me Laugh.... I winced when I read anything like this, and click off the page. Since I first found out about people making money online, I wanted to know how to do it myself. For personal reasons (that I won’t go into here) I needed to work from home and obtain a decent income whilst doing so. I spend 1000's of hours surfing and I'm ashamed to say a good pile cash on useless guides and programs. I joined forums and groups and quickly after reading of their experiences decided that the majority of these e-books, programs and tutorial were nothing but a scam. I settled down to plod around, making a lot of sites and going via the tried and tested 'Work Horse' method. In the end, I was making about $300 a month. After making virtually nothing for the first 6 months!!! When I saw the latest a...

How do you get started? First, go to an affiliate marketing site!

By: lobo Sometimes the only thing holding you back from entering the internet marketing field is failure to start. The biggest reason people don't start is because they don't have a product. You don't need to have a product to start internet marketing. In fact, some of the most successful internet marketers don't have their own products. If you are putting off starting your online career because you don't have a product I have a way for you start right now, today. You don't need your own product. You can sell someone else's product. This is called affiliate marketing. Here is how affiliate marketing works. An internet marketer has a product, say an e-Book. He wants to maximize his sales on the book. In order to do that he wants to have as many people helping to sell his book as he can get. In order to motivate others to sell his product he offers anyone who sends him a lead that turns into a buying customer, 50% of the sale price. In other words, if you sent...

Affiliate marketing is still considered as one of the best ways to make money online!

By: lobo Want an online business with a win-win opportunity for both the merchant and the publisher? Try investing your money, time and effort in affiliate marketing business and be overwhelmed by the profit you’ll get out of it. It has been written in almost all articles about affiliate marketing that it is among the greatest ways to earn money online. For those who didn’t know what it is, affiliate marketing is a cooperative effort between the merchants and online publishers or affiliates, whereby an affiliate is rewarded for every visitor or customer provided through his effort. The moment a customer is gained, a part of the profit from that customer will go to the affiliate as a commission. This compensation, for more detail otherwise known as affiliate commission may be based on a fixed value for each visit (pay-per-click), registration (pay-per-lead), or a commission for every purchaser (pay-per-sale). This business has proven to be very beneficial. Among the advantages that you’...

5 New Ways to Make Money Online

By: Brian Wisz 5 New Ways to Make Money Online So, you are ready to ditch your day job and seriously tackle making money online! You may have a mortgage, kids to support, ex wives to support etc, so it might not be as cushy as keeping your day job. Truth is, there are many different methods to making money online in the new economy. Here are 5 new ways to make money online. 1- Offer your expertise online- Did you know you can sell your professional expertise online? There is a new breed of freelancing websites that actually allow companies in need to describe their projects and allow you, the professional to bid on them. If you are a computer programmer, graphic designer or software designer, there are many niches available to you to make money online. 2- Sell your photos to stock photography sites- Check out some of the popular photo sites. This can be an extremely lucrative way to make money online by uploading your expert photos to these sites. There is a lot of competition here, bu...

Google Adwords Content Network Is a Gold Mine!

By: Christopher Carter A lot of Pay per Click Gurus tell clients not use the Google’s Content Network because it is filled with Made for Adsense sites and click fraud, which is a huge issue. However, the same Gurus do not say anything about the content network not being able to generate targeted traffic, but it does. I don’t listen to these Gurus; it’s like taking advice from the commentators at a football game. There is a reason that they are not playing and just sitting on the sidelines. These Gurus are probably touting their blogs or selling weak advice regurgitated into an e-book. I can say that because if they did actually know what they were talking about, they would be using that knowledge to make money instead of wasting time. The problem I believe is that if you are advertising on the content network which is not monitored on a daily basis, you can see your budget literally disappear within hours. I’ve made mistakes in my career (burned through 10K in 4 hours), call it learnin...

Google Nemesis And The Profitable Keywords

By: dr.anies If you are struggling to profit in as an affiliate, I know exactly what the pass by. Because you are one of hundreds of researchers from Altheropalzy our respondents who find it difficult to profit with Google Adwords . If you do not use my software , you at a huge disadvantage, the situation is worsening because we are in 2008 . If you want to promote a product, and start seeing sales right away, you don't really have a choice - you need to go through the search engines. Get the right product on the right keywords, and you can mess up your ad copy, overbid and still profit. Get the keyword wrong, and your situation is hopeless. I walk you through every stage of using Nemesis to find the profitable keywords in a mere fraction of the time it took before .Our patented sales prediction technology flags the hot keywords within the first few clicks - tracking several key indicators that allow us to accurately prophesize which keywords are the winners before you get any sale...

Google Money System Free Trial - Google Money Money System Review

Author: Numbers Everett This is a brand new cash-generating program made by Chris Carpenter. Google Money System Free Trial is a blessing in disguise for folks in the time of worldwide crisis. The program is terribly user-friendly and can be easily learned by following its guidebook. In the time of crisis, where the majority in US are eating noodles to save money, you need a system, which can fetch you money fast. This is an 87-page ebook and requires no advanced science for its application. A basic knowledge about computers and some patience can make you rich. In this program, one can gainfully use Google's network for generating money. The launch of this product has made plenty of interests as well as some misunderstanding among the people. There are numerous questions generating in the people's mind about the reliability of the product. Is Google money free trial a scam? Are they really going to earn us money? So let's find out more about this product to decide our doubt...

Google AdWords Strategy - Part 3: Other Google AdWords Strategies

Author: Steve Avery 3. Other Google AdWords Strategies Google AdWords Ad Positioning Although the profit margin on the product or service offered is a large factor, tests have proved that the first ad position on the first page is, generally, not the most profitable. Yes, it gets the most clicks, but it's often a spontaneous action by the surfer before studying the ad. Sometimes the surfer is merely browsing the subject and is not ready to buy (commonly known as "tyre-kickers"). Tests show that the further down the page an ad is, or, occasionally, even on the second page, the greater is its conversion rate. The surfer has taken the time to read the ad carefully because he is ready to buy. Furthermore, the clicks are fewer; so, your overall pay-per-click bill is less than for a higher-positioned ad. The downside is that the click-through rate (CTR) of the lower-positioned ads is lower, which affects your Quality Score adversely and raises your cost per clic...

Google AdWords Strategy - Part 2: Targeting

Author: Steve Avery With permission from the Google AdWords Guide: Novice to Expert to Superhuman - 2. TARGETING There's no point in advertising anything unless the ad reaches a person who might be interested in it. That sounds obvious, but the number of advertisers who waste money on "catch-all" ads with a "shotgun" approach, hoping for the best, is astonishingly high. If you follow their example, you'll lose a lot of money fast with Google AdWords. The secret of success with Google AdWords, as with any advertising medium, is accurate targeting. With Google AdWords, though, you can home in on your target market with pin-point accuracy. If you sell a machine with a specific model number, that model number should be your main keyword. If you sell it only in a certain town or county, that town or county should be a keyword in the Ad Group. If it relates to a particular season or festival, that should be a keyword. Keywor...

Google AdWords Strategy - Part 1: Relevance

Author: Steve Avery With permission from the Google AdWords Guide: Novice to Expert to Superhuman - 1. RELEVANCE A primary aim is to reduce your cost per click (CPC). Google will favour you with a low cost per click if you master the concept of relevance. If you don't, your pay-per-click rate will be high, your profits will suffer, your campaigns will probably fail, and your competitors will beat you. Google is the undisputed leader (by far) among search engines because it provides searchers with results more relevant than those of any other. When a surfer types in a search term, Google's complex algorithm returns pages that match closely the words searched for. Google applies the same principle to AdWords advertisements. Ads that are more relevant than others are given preferential treatment. Less relevant ads are allowed to compete, but they are penalized by a high cost per click. Google AdWords employs two distinct modes of...

Should You Invest in Google Adwords Training?

Author: Matthew Bredel A lot of people look at their options with money making programs and try to master the art of making money with Google. There is definitely money to be made by how do you crack the market? You can play on your own or you can get some help. I suggest you do a bit of both. Google Adwords training programs are all over the internet. Some offer some free advice, some offer you e-books or special reports and there are special membership programs to help you learn to make money with Adwords. How do you decide if it's worth it to invest any money into any of these programs? You'll hear two differing schools of thought on spending money to make money. Some say it is necessary to invest in your success and some will say that if someone wants you to buy information, they're only out to scam you. In all truth, there is truth to both these statements depending on what you choose to buy. Some programs out there are very valuable and are not scams at all. Other pro...

Free Affiliate tools

Free affiliate tools, to help build and promote home based internet business As an affiliate and a new to home based business you will go left to right and right to left to find some free good tools, internet marketing tools, to help you market and manage your business. We all hate to spend money on internet business before we see the profit from this business. When people talk about investment and the ROI (Return Of Investment) we ran a way. We are building an internet business so we can build a free business that can give as a huge income, there is some thing wrong with that concept and we know it. So what kind of tools we need for Internet business. 1. You need to monitor your website, its performance, how your website advance in ranking. And for that I suggest you have an account with google, and using it's free webmasters tools. 2. Internet base E-mail, like yahoo and gmail. I know most of you have a domain name and pop mail account in your hosting. But still I recommend us...

Affiliate Marketing: 7 steps to automated profits!

Would you like to use your time smarter and make morey money at the same time? This article describes in 7 easy steps how you can set up a total and hands free automated affiliate money machine that multiply your efforts and that works 24/7. Do you remember when there was no remote controls, or microwaves? Well, many of those things really automate our lives now, in fact many things in our lives are automated, we can say that in general we really like things to be automated because it makes our lives easier. And the same applies to affiliate marketing, we would love it to be more automated, to make money the easy and smart way...,right?... Well it is possible, but just like the many automated things we have today took time in the beginning to create, the same thing applies to automate your profits. It is going to take some time in the beginning to get started and set up everything you need, but once the system is in place, you can begin to reap the benefits of having your own autom...